
Proudly showing Lee County talent
from Arts and Crafts to Vinegar and Wine!

See the Exhibits at the Lee Regional Fair!

All Exhibitors are encouraged to register exhibits online at FairEntry.com. To make online-registering your Exhibit(s) easier, use the Exhibits Inventory Form in the Exhibits Catalog. Note: The Exhibits Catalog is a very large document, and it could take several minutes to open.

For details about only a specific Exhibit Category, click on a Category topic link below:
  Educational Booths
  Baked Goods
  Field Crops
  Food Conservation



  • Exhibits are accepted on Saturday and Sunday prior to Fair Opening Day.

  • Due to space limitation, oversized items must be cleared with the Exhibits Hall Manager before entering.

  • Entries must be made or grown by the Exhibitor and completed since the last year's Fair.

  • COMPETITION LEVELS: Youth Grades K–2, Grades 3–5, Grades 6–8, Grades 9–12 and Adults.

  • For additional information about Exhibits, read or download the Exhibits Catalog.

  • If you have questions that are not answered in the Exhibits Catalog, call Danny Duggins, Exhibit Hall Manager, at 919-721-1236.

We Serve, the slogan of Lions Club International Sanford Lions Club
sponsors the annual
Lee Regional Fair.